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The Western world is in a time of transformation with regards to two very important issues: food and energy. The combination of these two factors has been the catalyst for analyzing long-term consequences of decisions, which have been at odds with the short-term desires and needs of individuals and institutions. In the last few decades, a new field of study emerged in economics called Operations Research (OR). It was originally intended to solve problems associated with military logistics during World War II but soon came into its own as a method for managing complex systems in general. OR's contributions on these topics include scheduling tasks or operations on public roads, optimizing financial market operations such as stock trading or settlement systems, optimizing operating cycles (i.e. when to start, when to stop etc.) in production operations, and when to buy and when to sell in the energy markets. Food and water are the two essential elements that sustain life. The former is directly consumed by humans and animals while the latter is used for using to produce electricity and for basic agricultural purposes. Production of food and water has remained stagnant even though demand has increased exponentially due to population growth. This has put a lot of pressure on both food and water prices in recent years since supply was not able to keep up with demand (i.e. rising prices). Price volatility is an important characteristic of the food market because it directly affects poverty in underdeveloped countries due to higher production prices. The energy market provides us with all the essentials to live, which include the necessities for producing food. The purpose of this paper is to study ways that food and energy markets can be stabilized so that their prices are reasonable for developing nations. It will also look at ways to improve productivity in order to be able to feed a growing population. We have developed a model using OR techniques that will show how these goals can be achieved in an efficient manner after all factors are taken into account. After this brief introduction, the paper goes on to describe the problem of food and energy prices volatility. After this, it will discuss the model developed to analyze the factors that are important for controlling price volatility. It will also show how these factors can be used to stabilize prices. After this, I will discuss how my model can be improved in areas of particular interest for future research. Finally, I will conclude with some recommendations on how my model can be improved further in future work. Figure 1 is a graph showing the average price of food per person during two different time periods (1st quarter 1997 & 2nd quarter 2000). The price of food has increased dramatically in the last decade in the United States, which reflects the increased demand for food in this country. Figure 2 is a plot showing American food consumption per person compared to the average monthly price of food (in cents). Figure 3 is a plot showing Russian food consumption per person compared to the average monthly price of frozen fish (in rubles). If you compare Figure 1 with Figure 3, it is clear that the Russian people eat more fish than Americans at a lower cost. The figure shows that if prices are stable, then people consume more fish because it becomes cheaper so they have more money for other things. cfa1e77820